Happy Easter

Another week gone by, and Easter is here. Passover is about over – hope my friends who celebrate had an enjoyable one. It feels like it was Christmas just yesterday, the months are flying by at breakneck speed.
This was the third week of the Noble Authors Blog Tour. For those of you who have been following the tour, thank you for your support and excitement over this super fun event. I’ve had a wonderful time hosting and guesting and meeting new readers and fellow writers. Thank you to JS Wayne and Indigo Skye for being here at my blog this week, and thanks also to Justine Elyot and Cherie De Sues for hosting me. There’s still another week of the tour left, so don’t forget to stop be again and visit with next week’s guests.
Here is a recap of the winners this week of a copy of Healing the Mage:
From Justine Elyot’s Blog: Anne
From Cherie De Sues’ Blog: Dawn
And the winner of the $20 All Romance Gift Certificate is Tracey D.
Congratulations ladies!
In other news, my computer has a defective motherboard. And they want more to fix it than it cost me to begin with two years ago! However, in looking back, I realize that this board has been slowly dying for some time, since right around Christmas (wow, that came up twice in one post!). Anyway, the sluggishness, hanging up for seconds or minutes at a time, failure to recognize USB connected devices, all this has been going on for months. I would shut down programs, log off other users, run virus scans, and restart the machine, and it would be fine for a couple of weeks. Then it would start again, and I would go through the whole process again, and it would be fine again. The last incident resulted in the machine not powering up again.
The way I see it, this is covered under the two year extended service plan, since the failure began in December. So now I am in the middle of wrangling to get them to pay for this repair. I just want my computer back – I cannot get into a solid writing groove using my work laptop, and it’s killing me. Especially since I am fired up to work on my medieval. Tuesday’s critique group was very productive for me, and I have some major re-arranging to do. I’m going to attempt to hook up a real keyboard to the laptop and see if that helps, but I don’t have my lovely 20″ screen to view, since my PC is an all-in-one. I’m going to have to increase my view to 150% to be able to see my words properly. Especially since my eyes are rapidly getting worse – the OTC magnifiers are getting to the point they don’t work much anymore.
Update – since I did not document any symptoms prior to the failure and contract expiration, it won’t be covered.  I am supposed to get a hefty discount on the service, I’m still waiting for that. Some employee consideration, eh?
I’m hoping this week starts out well – much like today. Sunny (for now) and warm and all kinds of fun. It finally, actually feels like Spring today. Though they are calling for the chance of rain later on – what a surprise. My little guy has been up, much earlier than usual for a Sunday, of course, anxiously awaiting his older sister to join him so he can hunt for Easter eggs. He’s hopping around more than any rabbit! Lol I need to tell him to conserve his energy, it’s going to be a long and hectic day!
I am just grateful I don’t have to attend this month’s trade show – everyone’s leaving today for Florida for the week. I’m more than content to avoid airplanes and airports for the next few months. It’ll be October before I fly again – to Orlando. Though I will admit, several nights with a hotel room (and bed) all to myself is a luxury I do savor! I will get to enjoy that little delight again at the end of June, when I attend the RWA National conference in NYC. But I’m driving in, since I live so close, no planes this time around. I’m very much looking forward to that – it’s been a while since I attended National, and I always have so much fun. This year will be extra special, since I now have two titles and the anthology to promote. I hope to get to meet face-to-face some of my fellow authors whom I’ve gotten to know online. And that bed all to myself! lol
One last reminder – the Noble Authors Blog Tour picks up again this week, on WEDNESDAY. So be sure to stop by, we have more prizes and fun. And the grand prize, a voucher to Eden Fantasy, is up for grabs. So be sure to comment so you can be eligible to win!
Happy Easter and I’ll see you on the tour this week!