A Fun Blog Tour

I’m thrilled to let you know about the Noble Romance Authors Blog Tour – which kicks off today! Nine Noble authors, myself included, are touring the month of April and talking about writing, our books and all kinds of other fun things. There will be lots of really cool prizes, including free books, gift cards to Amazon and All Romance Ebooks, as well as a bunch of really great prizes from Eden Fantasy. There are also lots of sizzling excerpts from recent and upcoming releases.

The link to the main blog, which lists the schedule and has links to the tour, can be found here: http://nobleromanceauthorsblogtour.blogspot.com/  Simply look for the corresponding button at the end of each post, or the direct link, and you will be taken to the next stop on the tour,

Last but not least, Noble has released an anthology in conjunction with the tour. Red Roses & Shattered Glass contains stories from six of the touring authors, including myself. I wrote a little tale about Nina, who was left broken-hearted by her master, Zane. After two years, Nina decides to ease back into the BDSM scene, only to encounter her former master on her first return to her favorite club. Zane has regretted letting Nina go, and sees this encounter as a chance to win her back. The story is called "Bound for Love" and not surprisingly, contains some really hot loving!

I hope you’ll stop by the tour – I’d love to hear from you, both at my blog and at my tour stops as well. Leave a comment to be eligible for the prizes and don’t forget to leave an email where we can notify you if you’ve won.

And now I’m back to researching why the hell my home PC died last night. This has about killed me!